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Action de l'érythromycine et de l'acide oxolinique sur le déveloloppement larvaire de la coquille St Jacques Pecten maximus ArchiMer
Robert, Rene; Nicolas, Jean-louis; Conan, Rony.
For lack of antibiotics, King scallop larviculture faces high mortalities. In the experimental mollusc hatchery of Argenton (Brittany, France), the presence of a vibrio, Vibrio pectinicida, associated with the stocks seems to be responsible for this low survival rate. As prophylactic methods are difficult to implement in the current structures (water sterilization, egg decontamination, isolation of the stocks), the addition of chloramphenicol is the only solution to protect the stocks. However, the use of this antibiotic, considered as dangerous for man, has been prohibited in animal production throughout the whole of Europe since 1994. The action of two other antibiotics, the erythromycine and the oxolinic acid, has been searched for in Pecten maximus...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Acide oxolinique; Erythromycine; Antibiotiques; Coquille St Jacques; Pecten maximus L.; Développement larvaire.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Implication des peptides antimicrobiens dans l'immunité innée de la moule, Mytilus galloprovincialis ArchiMer
Mitta, Guillaume.
Les mécanismes immunitaires innés des vertébrés sont une mosaïque de mécanismes ancestraux partagés avec des animaux évolutivement plus primitifs. Les peptides antimicrobiens sont une de ces composantes conservées au travers du règne animal. En effet, ils participent vraisemblablement chez tous les métazoaires aux processi d'immunité innée. Toutefois, leurs implications dans la réponse anti-infectieuse peuvent être assez différentes. L'objet de cette thèse était de comprendre comment ces peptides participaient aux processi de défense de la moule. Une première phase de caractérisation biochimique de telles molécules avait été entreprise chez la moule, Mytilus galloprovincialis, dans le cadre de la thèse de Florence Hubert. Notre travail a consisté (i) à...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Immunité; Peptides; Antibiotiques; Moule; Défensine.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Voluntary feed intake and discrimination of diets containing a novel fluoroquinolone in self-fed rainbow trout ArchiMer
Boujard, Thierry; Le Gouvello, Raphaela.
The objective of the study was to evaluate the capacity of rainbow trout to discriminate diets containing micro-granulated or powdered novel fluoroquinolone in comparison with a positive (containing sulfamerazine sodium) and a negative control (placebo). In a first trial, groups of trout had access to a self-feeder containing the placebo feed for 10 days, and then to one of the four feeds during another period of 10 days. Fish reduced their voluntary feed intake (VFI) by more than 50 % when they had access to the positive control, and by more than 20 % when they had access to feed containing micro-granulated premix. There was no significant decrease in VFI when the fish had access to feed containing powdered premix, but in this latter case, an increase in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Truite arc-en-ciel; Distributeurs à la demande; Appétit; Acceptabilité; Antibiotiques; Oncorhynchus mykiss; Rainbow trout; Self-feeding; Voluntary feed intake; Antibiotics.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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